
March 3, 2009

国内流行的 Twitter 克隆—-饭否一直没有搜索功能,未免不是一个小小的遗憾,因为有时候想搜索自己发送的某个消息,实在是太难找,不过这已经成为历史。
刚刚登陆 饭否 的时候发现了右上角大大的搜索框,而在 http://fanfou.com/q/ 你还可以搜索全站含有某个特定关键词的消息,或者自己含有某个特定关键词的消息,或者用户名中含有某个关键词的饭否用户。
比 Twitter 官方提供的 Twitter Seach:  http://search.twitter.com/ 的搜索功能强了不少。可惜饭否在国内使用的人太少了。

© Charles Peng for 嘉佑中文博客 on 2009/03/03 |
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Permalink: http://pengjiayou.com/blog/seach-a-keyword-on-fanfou/

Post tags: Fanfou, Twitter

国内流行的 Twitter 克隆—-饭否一直没有搜索功能,未免不是一个小小的遗憾,因为有时候想搜索自己发送的某个消息,实在是太难找,不过这已经成为历史。

刚刚登陆 饭否 的时候发现了右上角大大的搜索框,而在 http://fanfou.com/q/ 你还可以搜索全站含有某个特定关键词的消息,或者自己含有某个特定关键词的消息,或者用户名中含有某个关键词的饭否用户。

比 Twitter 官方提供的 Twitter Seach:  http://search.twitter.com/ 的搜索功能强了不少。可惜饭否在国内使用的人太少了。

© Charles Peng for 嘉佑中文博客 on 2009/03/03 |
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5 个 Chi.mp 邀请码送出

February 24, 2009

不知道 Chi.mp 是干什么的吗?那先看看幸福收藏夹的文章吧:Chi.mp – 免费注册一个尽可能漂亮的域名 。
其实在这里除了能抢注一个 .mp 的域名外的确也没什么好玩的了,感兴趣的的朋友赶快在 Twitter 上 Follow 我 @pengjiayou 吧,

哦,Follow 我之后请在 Twitter 上给我发个消息索取,谢谢!(博客被荒废了,N 久没看过留言了都,为了不让你久等,还是来 Twitter 吧),只有 5 个邀请,名额有限,先导先得,赶快行动吧

© Charles Peng for 嘉佑中文博客 on 2009/02/24 |
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Permalink: http://pengjiayou.com/blog/5-chimp-invites-give-out

Post tags: Chi.mp

不知道 Chi.mp 是干什么的吗?那先看看幸福收藏夹的文章吧:Chi.mp – 免费注册一个尽可能漂亮的域名


其实在这里除了能抢注一个 .mp 的域名外的确也没什么好玩的了,感兴趣的的朋友赶快在 Twitter 上 Follow 我 @pengjiayou 吧,

哦,Follow 我之后请在 Twitter 上给我发个消息索取,谢谢!(博客被荒废了,N 久没看过留言了都,为了不让你久等,还是来 Twitter 吧),只有 5 个邀请,名额有限,先导先得,赶快行动吧 :smile:

© Charles Peng for 嘉佑中文博客 on 2009/02/24 |
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Original source : http://xfruits.com/charlespeng/feeds/?clic=3316514…

我要去上海 WordCamp 2009

February 24, 2009

WordCamp 是 WordPress 爱好者及开发人员的大会。2007年的7月在 San Francisco 举行了第一届WordCamp,而第一个在海外举行的 WordCamp 就是 2007年9月 在 北京举行的 WordCamp Beijing 2007。
继成功举办WordCamp Beijing 2007之后。从2008年开始,主办方正式将大会更名为WordCamp China。WordCamp China 作为中国的一个 WordPress 讨论交流平台,是一个面向所有WordPress爱好者,博客用户,及开发人员的聚会。大会将围绕WordPress、围绕独立 Blogger 相关主题安排精彩的发言和互动讨论。在这里,您可以与各位Blogger及技术开发者见面,传授技术,分享心得;在这里,您可以聆听到众多 知名Blogger的讲座。在这过程中,您不仅会从中获益;更重要的是,在此感受思想自由交流的氛围,结识久闻其名的博友,相互切磋博客技艺。
2009年,备受大家关注的WordCamp China 2009再次回到上海,将于今年3月28日在上海复旦大学新闻学院举行。这次活动似乎有些特别,虽然去年就更名为 WordCamp China,但今年才启用 WordCampChina.org 的域名,而且,作为一名 WordPress 的忠实用户,去年连续错过了在北京和上海举办的 WordCamp 2008 ,希望今年不要再次错过了,这次WordCamp China除了不要报名费之外,还有100件免费的T-Shirt发送。台州离上海那么近,有什么理由不去呢?

除了能去看看复旦大学,帅气的 WordPress 创始人 Matt Mullenweg 也将会亲自出席大会。

早上再次阅读到 Hong Xiaowan 的介绍,不由得下定决心一定要去上海参加,更何况,已经有不少熟悉的 Blogger 报名参加了,比如 Hong Xiaowan ,郭大虾 ,棠棣 ,chouti 等,无论如何,见个面,聊聊天,如果你也感兴趣,不妨在这里报名吧:http://wordcampchina.org/register (免报名费的哟)

OK,2009年3月28日,上海复旦大学,不见不散,我是 彭嘉佑 […]

WordCampWordPress 爱好者及开发人员的大会。2007年的7月在 San Francisco 举行了第一届WordCamp,而第一个在海外举行的 WordCamp 就是 2007年9月 在 北京举行的 WordCamp Beijing 2007。

继成功举办WordCamp Beijing 2007之后。从2008年开始,主办方正式将大会更名为WordCamp China。WordCamp China 作为中国的一个 WordPress 讨论交流平台,是一个面向所有WordPress爱好者,博客用户,及开发人员的聚会。大会将围绕WordPress、围绕独立 Blogger 相关主题安排精彩的发言和互动讨论。在这里,您可以与各位Blogger及技术开发者见面,传授技术,分享心得;在这里,您可以聆听到众多 知名Blogger的讲座。在这过程中,您不仅会从中获益;更重要的是,在此感受思想自由交流的氛围,结识久闻其名的博友,相互切磋博客技艺。

2009年,备受大家关注的WordCamp China 2009再次回到上海,将于今年3月28日在上海复旦大学新闻学院举行。这次活动似乎有些特别,虽然去年就更名为 WordCamp China,但今年才启用 WordCampChina.org 的域名,而且,作为一名 WordPress 的忠实用户,去年连续错过了在北京和上海举办的 WordCamp 2008 ,希望今年不要再次错过了,这次WordCamp China除了不要报名费之外,还有100件免费的T-Shirt发送。台州离上海那么近,有什么理由不去呢?


除了能去看看复旦大学,帅气的 WordPress 创始人 Matt Mullenweg 也将会亲自出席大会。

早上再次阅读到 Hong Xiaowan 的介绍,不由得下定决心一定要去上海参加,更何况,已经有不少熟悉的 Blogger 报名参加了,比如 Hong Xiaowan郭大虾棠棣chouti 等,无论如何,见个面,聊聊天,如果你也感兴趣,不妨在这里报名吧:http://wordcampchina.org/register (免报名费的哟)


OK,2009年3月28日,上海复旦大学,不见不散,我是 彭嘉佑

© Charles Peng for 嘉佑中文博客 on 2009/02/24 |
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Original source : http://xfruits.com/charlespeng/feeds/?clic=3315130…

Pagico for Fedora now Available for Download

February 24, 2009

Pagico is a strong and powerfull personal information manager, it’s not only a GTD tool, but also an organizer with all your amazing ideas.
It’s focused on developing a useful, flexible and easy to use knowledge base software for both Mac and PC. Its mission is to deliver a better solution to make people’s work done […]

Pagico is a strong and powerfull personal information manager, it’s not only a GTD tool, but also an organizer with all your amazing ideas.

It’s focused on developing a useful, flexible and easy to use knowledge base software for both Mac and PC. Its mission is to deliver a better solution to make people’s work done easily, quickly and smoothly, thereby saving their time.

Pagico Software provides you a whole new way to see and arrange your schedule, that’s its Visualized Schedule Flowchat feature, which I like most. This flowchart helps you concentrating on what’s in the near future, what needs to be done, and what’s already overdue.

Pagico is also a personal database that helps you archive everything efficiently. Rather than throwing information away when they’re done, archiving them properly will save you tons of time in the future.

Pagico also provides you a very clean and efficient way to store and organize your information. You can write your Todos and Tasks and even notes, and it helps you to orangize and manage your schedule in a very powerful tag based system efficiently.

Pagico is released only for Windows and Mac officially, but with the author of Ubuntu Tweak, TualatriX’s effort and help, Pagico 3 was officially released for Ubuntu in Jan. 20th, 2009. Pagico 3 is a standard Linux program and run in Linux smoothly and natively.

With my strong request, TualartiX finally released RPM package for Fedora system, and now it’s available for download and test. This RPM package is not official, for testing only, if you’re interested in it, please download it here http://downloads.imtx.cn/fedora/pagico-

Before you install, please disable SELinux and restart your computer. Pagico runs perfectly under Fedora.

The most important thing you’d know is that, Pagico is NOT a free and open source software, and it’s NOT official RPM too, you can download and test, but 15 day free trial only, if you like it, please purchase a license.

Thanks again, TualiariX.

Published by  Published by xFruits

Original source : http://xfruits.com/charlespeng/feeds/?clic=3315130…

Pagico 3 for Fedora 发布

February 24, 2009

Pagico 3 是国外一款功能强大的个人信息管理软件(不仅仅是 GTD 和 ToDo),和其它同类软件相比,Pigico 最强大之处除了可视化的个人日程管理功能之外,更可以简单高效地存储和管理你的一切个人信息(基于强大的 Tag 系统 )。

Pagico 官方原本只开发了 Windows 和 Mac 版本,但在 Ubuntu Tweak 的作者 TualatriX 的成功努力下,终于移植到了 Linux 平台,2009 年1 月 20 日,Pagico 3 成功登陆 Ubuntu ,以一个标准的GNU/Linux应用软件现身!
Pagico 看着实在太酷了,由于 TualatriX 兄只发布了适用于 Ubuntu 的 deb 安装包,我在他博客留言中告诉他我用 Fedora ,希望他能打包成 RPM ,他实在是太热心了,在 Google Talk 上告诉我他会马上发布 rpm 包,今天,Pagico 终于登陆 Fedora 系统了。

看到上面截图中名为 Peng Jiayou 那条 GTD 了吗?感谢 TualatriX […]

Pagico 3 是国外一款功能强大的个人信息管理软件(不仅仅是 GTD 和 ToDo),和其它同类软件相比,Pigico 最强大之处除了可视化的个人日程管理功能之外,更可以简单高效地存储和管理你的一切个人信息(基于强大的 Tag 系统 )。

Pagico 官方原本只开发了 Windows 和 Mac 版本,但在 Ubuntu Tweak 的作者 TualatriX 的成功努力下,终于移植到了 Linux 平台,2009 年1 月 20 日,Pagico 3 成功登陆 Ubuntu ,以一个标准的GNU/Linux应用软件现身!

Pagico 看着实在太酷了,由于 TualatriX 兄只发布了适用于 Ubuntu 的 deb 安装包,我在他博客留言中告诉他我用 Fedora ,希望他能打包成 RPM ,他实在是太热心了,在 Google Talk 上告诉我他会马上发布 rpm 包,今天,Pagico 终于登陆 Fedora 系统了。

看到上面截图中名为 Peng Jiayou 那条 GTD 了吗?感谢 TualatriX 兄牺牲周末的时间来为 Fedora 打包(感动ing)。

Pagico for Fedora 的下载地址是: http://downloads.imtx.cn/fedora/pagico- 这个软件包是非官方的,请下载测试,安装前需关闭 SELinux 。

哦,对了,Pagico 是非自由软件,他们的 License 还不便宜呢,先下载下来安装测试吧,15-day free trial. 如果你喜欢,又何必在乎那点钱呢?

© Charles Peng for 嘉佑中文博客 on 2009/02/24 |
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Original source : http://xfruits.com/charlespeng/feeds/?clic=3315130…

My Awful Birthday This Year

February 23, 2009

Feb 19th is my birthday this year, as all of you know in China, we have two calendars, one is Chinese Lunar Calendar, and another one is the Gregorian Calendar, we uses Gregorian calendar in newspapers, TVs, computers, and even paying us salary in a Gregorian Calendar one month time cycle. But most rural people […]

Feb 19th is my birthday this year, as all of you know in China, we have two calendars, one is Chinese Lunar Calendar, and another one is the Gregorian Calendar, we uses Gregorian calendar in newspapers, TVs, computers, and even paying us salary in a Gregorian Calendar one month time cycle. But most rural people uses Lunar Calendar to arrange farming. I’m from a rural area in Hanzhong, China’s northwest Shaanxi Province, I always spent my birthday on Chinease Lunar Calendar customarily.

I added a GTD event in Google Calendar in Advance so as not to forget celebrating my birthday, but on Feb. 18 th, I received an SMS from Google telling me it’s my birthday, oh, it was so late for me to get to know that day is my birthday, it’s been nearly 17:00, and one hour later, I would be able to get off work. But I didn’t know that day is my birthday and prepared nothing, I am a stranger here in Taizhou, and I have little friends, only a few people knows my birthday, and of course  it’s so late to call some of them and held a party together.

After super as usual, I didn’t know what to do to have a celebration for my birthday. Walking on the street, I felt so lonely, “Why not go to a Leisure center?” , I went to one nearby, but I didn’t go in as  I was a little bit afraid, because I was alone. After that, went to another one by taxi, but I didn’t enter too, I didn’t know why I didn’t enter, only wandered outside for a lont time and left to home.

Three days after that, when I opened Google Calendar again, I found that day was not my birthday, I still didn’t know why I received an SMS ahead of time, I marked in the correct date and time, It’s very strange, but my real birthday date has been expired. What a awful birthday this year!

The 100th photos on my Flickr Pro account

I bought my self a Flickr Pro account as my birthday present in the night of Feb. 14th on Feb. 15th at 1:00 o’clock, I thought  although it’s been  1:00 am of Feb 15th, but it was Beijing time, it was still Valentine’s Day in USA (Flickr is an USA company owned by Yahoo), Valentine’s day is a special day for me to buy myself a present and it’s also a good day for me to refund my account as it’s so easy to be remembered. But, when I made payment, Flickr showed me a date I made payment on Feb. 15 th, I was so stupid, Yahoo knew my local time, it’s terrible.

With this Flickr Pro account, I can be able to upload all my favorite photos and share with friends on the net, and I have a good camera too, I bought a Sony DSC-T500 during the Chinese new year holiday, with it, I can take some good pictures and share it on Flickr.

Well, this is my 24 year old birthday, I am one year older again.

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Original source : http://xfruits.com/charlespeng/feeds/?clic=3310007…

Are You Addicted to a Website?

February 10, 2009

Have you ever been addicted to a certain website? You visit this website again and again for times a day, and this habit makes you very hard to concentrat on your work? If so, try KeepMeOut, KeepMeOut is a very simple online severice which is, I think, very helpful for you to break the habit […]

Are you addicted to a website?

Have you ever been addicted to a certain website? You visit this website again and again for times a day, and this habit makes you very hard to concentrat on your work? If so, try KeepMeOut, KeepMeOut is a very simple online severice which is, I think, very helpful for you to break the habit of visiting a certain or any other websites.

KeepMeOut is very easy to use, just input the URL of the website that you’re addicted to, and, bookmark the new KeepMeOut alias in your broswer, when you want to visit that site, you visit the bookmarked URL, KeepMeOut will not allow you to visit that site again if the time not expired as you told it…

Published by  Published by xFruits

Original source : http://xfruits.com/charlespeng/feeds/?clic=3253341…

Happy Lantern Festival

February 10, 2009

Today is our Chinese Lantern Festival, January 15 on the lunar calendar (15 days later after the Spring Festival). It marks the end of the celebrations of the Chinese New Year. We eat dumplings this day on the Lantern Festival which are made from glutinous rice.

I didn’t have a holiday to celebrate this festival today, […]

Happy Lantern Festival

Today is our Chinese Lantern Festival, January 15 on the lunar calendar (15 days later after the Spring Festival). It marks the end of the celebrations of the Chinese New Year. We eat dumplings this day on the Lantern Festival which are made from glutinous rice.

Happy Lantern Festival

I didn’t have a holiday to celebrate this festival today, but working in the office. We will have a dinner in my company with my boss and other workmates in the evening.

Happy Lantern Festival…

Published by  Published by xFruits

Original source : http://xfruits.com/charlespeng/feeds/?clic=3253341…

My Year 2008

February 9, 2009

We moved to a new office in the center of the city at the end of October last year. It’s a regret that I was so lazy and I didn’t write anything about it in the last months, I’m really sorry for that. Now I’m back and celebrated our Chinese new year (ox year), it’s […]

We moved to a new office in the center of the city at the end of October last year. It’s a regret that I was so lazy and I didn’t write anything about it in the last months, I’m really sorry for that. Now I’m back and celebrated our Chinese new year (ox year), it’s time to write something about my last year, to summarize the past year 2008 and exceptions of 2009.

Charles Peng in the new Office

Looking back over the past year, I can say it has truly been an eventful one. I can not find the pleasure of work, the working conditions is too bad, I don’t want to say anything about it, just see those pictures. I tried and planed to look for another job for times, but I surrendered, because I think there are no job opportunities that I’m completely satisfied, I’d rather continue working here than look for another one.

About in May through the beginning of July, I got a salary about 10,000 RMB plus commission. It’s for me for the 1st time I made so much money, just in 2 months. I became more confident in overcoming difficulties. And went back home to Xi’an and saw my parents in Hanzhong…

All things are difficult before they are easy, I agree with this. After working here for about 5 months, I became more and more familiar with the products I’m selling, and  knew more and more how to communicating with our products, learned a lot of my business processes. I made nearly 10,000 RMB during the last 2 months last year, it’s a great amount of money for me, I bought a Sony DSC-T500 camera, and spent the rest in the Chinese new year holidays. Although I didn’t go back home for the Spring festival, but I spent the holiday happily.

The new year is ox year, my year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches, It’s a lucky year for me, I got a big order at the beginning of the first week after the holiday. I hope I can do my best and earn much more…

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Original source : http://xfruits.com/charlespeng/feeds/?clic=3248009…

1 usd for 1 year of hosting

February 9, 2009

Do you ever remember that I bought a Surpasshosting ONE LOVE TWO power plan last year and started blogging in English? (Former domain name of this blog was pengyulong.com, it was moved to charlespeng.com in Oct. 20th last year) Surpasshosting provided me a high quality hosting service neally free of charges, but it’s a great […]

Do you ever remember that I bought a Surpasshosting ONE LOVE TWO power plan last year and started blogging in English? (Former domain name of this blog was pengyulong.com, it was moved to charlespeng.com in Oct. 20th last year) Surpasshosting provided me a high quality hosting service neally free of charges, but it’s a great shame for me the IP of my account server was blocked in China when this blog was started some days later, then I refunded.


Surpasshosting will have another One Love 3 promotions this year too, One Love for Three Days – February 14th through 16th! You can purchase the Power shared hosting plan and only pay $1 for the entire year! That’s your best present for your Valentine’s day. If you want to start a blog for youself or your sweetheart, buy a domain and pay Surpass for one year of hosting, that’s very cheap!

This year, if you buy One Love 3, Surpass will mail a free sticker to you after you sign up. Put the sticker on your laptop, notebook, houseplant, pet or even your forehead! If you’d like to show Surpass a photo of your sticker’s new home, they would love to see them posted in their community forum! It couldn’t be any better.. Isn’t it?

Sign up during Feb. 14 through 16 here http://surpasshosting.com/one-love-2009.php

BTW: I will have to buy a Flickr Pro account on Valentine’s Day, don’t forget!~

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Original source : http://xfruits.com/charlespeng/feeds/?clic=3248009…